- Pre driving habits-circle check
- Dashboard-various gagues,metre’s, there location, function, and use
- Proper engine start
- Putting the car in motion
- Slowing and stopping
- Smith system rules 1,2,3
- Hand-over-hand steering
- Right & left turns
- Backing Straight
- Right & left turns at un-controlled intersections
- Right & left turns at controlled intersections
- Proper stopping postions
- Right of way
- Use of mirrors & blind spots
- Rules of the road
- Pedestrian crossings
- Review (Improve Turns)
- Review stopping positions
- Review right of ways
- Smith system rules 4,5
- 3 point turns
- Practicing turning
- Practising Lane change
- Backing staright and corners
- Practising turns rules of the road, stopping positions
- Stopping & Traffic (1 Car Length) practising 3 point turns
- Review (Improve Turns) passing and overtaking
- Left at Light (Large & Small)
- One Way Streets / Parallel Parking
- Running Commentry
- Advanced & Extended Green
- Angle parking, forward/backward parking
- Hill start and stop
- Practising 3 point turn
- Driving in heavy traffic
- Head On Collision Avoidence
- Parallel parking
- awareness of problems in advance
- Stall Parking ( Front & Back ) practicing
- Freeway driving
- Practising 3 point turn, parallel parking, and stall parking
- Running Commentry (Plan Route)
- Independent Drive(Plan Route) night/winter driving
- Practising 3 point turn, parallel parking, stall parking, review
- Review, road test preparation
- Evaluation, Mock test
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